Saturday, 22 January 2011

Another Year... Another Transition

Its 22nd of January 2011 and here I am posting my first post for 2011. WOW!! Feel free to call me a slowpoke. First, let's begin with HAPPY NEW YEAR! HAPPY 2011! (though its 22 days late).

Another year had begun and more time has passed. So, what is up for grab this year? I'm thinking not much except for some major transition phases to take place in life. 2011 is going to be a big year. More challenges ahead, more decision making!
Closing this post with a list of things to look forward too..

24 January: AS exam results *anxiety strikes*
31 January: LNAT results
03-04 February: Chinese New Year
May-June: A2 Examination O.O
September/October: Law degree program starts

YES! Its going to be a long year ahead with so much to face; so much to enjoy; so much to experience. =)

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